Saturday, October 16, 2010

Haunting melody; truly beautiful

An Indigenous Concert hosted by Ambassador to the Holy See, Tim Fisher, was held Friday evening, this included the ACU MacKillop dancers and the Torres Strait Islander dancers.

It was a proud moment when we witnessed the Indigenous Dancers perform for the many dignitaries on the Terrace of the Vatican Museum flanked by Michelangelo’s magnificent dome. They danced and sang. The didgeridoo player was amazing - he played the sound of the kookaburra, then the kangaroo and made us all laugh as he imitated the term we in Australia know as "road kill".

The dances were well received and several of the songs were played by violins and other classical instruments accompanying the didgeridoo. The haunting melody was truly beautiful; it spoke deeply to my spirit of the mystery and depth of the Aboriginal people.

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